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Iraq: Playing into the hands of the Rebellion?

It appears that today the US dropped a 500 pound bomb and launched a “hellfire” missile on an Iraqi Mosque. Obviously, this will not play out well in the Arab world. Did the US fall into a trap?

It was only Tuesday when the leader of the Shiite uprising, al-Sadr, left the mosque he was hiding at for fear that the American’s would destroy the holy site.
"I feared that the sanctity of a glorious and esteemed mosque would be violated by scum and evil people," he said. The Americans "will have no qualms to embark on such actions."

And on Wednesday what did we do? That’s right we blew up a mosque. Actions like this appear to be doing a great job of uniting the Iraqi rebels against us. Before we even dropped the bomb on the mosque, an uprising in Baghdad was uniting Sunni and Shiite rebels.

Instead of any diplomatic or peace keeping rhetoric coming out of Washington to help quell the insurgency while keeping our soldiers out of harm’s way, we get more of the same “we’re not going to be intimidated” b.s..


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