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State of DisUnion

Haven't had much time to blog lately, I've been side tracked on my latest muscial project but I will get back to blogging regularly soon.

I had to comment on all the hubub about people being arrested last night trying to attend the State of the Union Republican Propaganda Love Fest. Cindy Sheehan, who had a ticket to the event, was arrested for wearing a t-shirt that read "2245 Dead. How many more?" The news originally reported that she refused to cover it up and was arrested, but according to her she was never told she could not wear it or to cover up but simply hauled away after she sat down. Another interesting tid-bit, they also removed the wife of a Republican Representative for wearing a t-shirt with "support our troops" on it - but they didn't arrest her.

I don't see why they arrested Cindy Sheehan and not the other lady, they should have just removed both of them or neither. Although, my honest first thought was who wears a t-shirt to the state of the union address? You'd think they would have a dress code for an event like that anyway that would prevent anyone from wearing a t-shirt? no?

Although I didn't watch the state of the union address, (I see no point in putting myself through that amount of aggrevation anymore) I did find the new clip of all the democrats standing and cheering when Bush said congress didn't pass his social security plan a riot. Love it.


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