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Outraged at the Media??

Ok, this is one of the most ridiculous stories I've seen in the news recently, Sen. Inhofe (R - OK) is more outraged at the "humanitarian do-gooders" that are causing the "outrage" than at the abuse itself. Even while reports are streaming out of places like the Red Cross stating 70% to 90% of Iraqis being held were wrongfully imprisoned. Inhofe goes on to say, "Many of them probably have American blood on their hands and here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals."

It's a sad day in America when our Senators don't even realise we are bound by International laws like the Geneva Convention that we signed....and furthermore, one would hope there would be some moral considerations given to our actions. At least there seems to be one republican in the senate that hasn't lost his head:

But Sen. John McCain, himself a former prisoner of war, said such humanitarian involvement distinguished the United States from its enemies.

Bravo for McCain.
"An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind," - Gandhi


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