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Fahrenheit 9/11

I recently saw Fahrenheit 9/11 and felt it deserves some discussion. First, let me say I thought it was great. I can completely see where some of the criticism has come from in creating some of the tenuous links in the film. Of course, when there aren’t hard and fast facts on a subject all speculations are subject to scrutiny, as some of Moore's links between the Saudi's and Bush should be. But this is not the focus of the film anyway, after seeing the whole film the beginning seems more of a side note or warm-up for the real act. All of the stories focusing on Iraq, and really honing in on the human costs of war, were very powerful. Having grown up in a military family, on bases around the world, I thought that he dealt with the issues that the men and women in uniform and their families were facing very respectfully, without pandering. There is, of course, some shocking footage in the film that I didn't particularly care to see, but I suppose that is the point - if you don't put a face on the pain and suffering it never becomes real.

“In time of war the first casualty is truth.”
--Boake Carter
“When the rich make war it's the poor that die.”
--Jean-Paul Sartre
“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.”
--John F. Kennedy


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