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Missing Weapons + Missing Equipment = Big F*#king Mess

Hello, isn't anyone awake out there? Why has our media been so terribly slow that they haven't been able to piece together these two huge stories? Missing dual-use equipment capable of making nuclear weapons (see more info on post below) and now over 350 metric tons of highly explosive material has gone missing? Why hasn't anyone in the media put this together and show the threat for what it really is?

Perhaps they've fallen prey to the Bush propaganda machine. It's indisputable that the weapons were there, the IAEA had them tagged and monitored, and it's indisputable that they are not there now. There is videotape that proves the weapons were there directly after the war, completely nullifying the Pentagon's most recent and absurd attempt at a cover up by saying they were moved before the war and they have satellite pictures to prove it. Which is so blatantly false, considering that Pentagon insiders have admitted to finding it intact after the war:
At the Pentagon, an official who monitors developments in Iraq said U.S.-led coalition troops had searched Al-Qaqaa in the immediate aftermath of the March 2003 invasion and confirmed that the explosives, under IAEA seal since 1991, were intact. Thereafter, the site was not secured by U.S. forces, the official said, also speaking on condition of anonymity.

What's even worse is that the Administration knew about the explosives!
The IAEA says the US-led coalition occupying Iraq had been warned about the danger posed by the explosives on several occasions.

It says the coalition forces were specifically told to keep the material secured.

And now they are trying yet another tactic: Oh yeah, the weapons were there after the war after all, never mind those satellite pictures we showed you earlier, the Army disposed of them. That's right folks, we have a real live, army person here to tell you he destroyed them. Oh yes, and please disregard the small man behind the curtain.

Then, to add further insult to injury, Bush comes out accusing Kerry of making "wild charges" about his incompetence over protecting the missing weapons. What could be more incompetent that being told they're there, told to watch them and not doing it? Oh, I know, I know! Lying about the fact that they were there in the first place, then creating a cockamamie story to say, no, we knew they were there but we forgot we already destroyed them? What could be worse? How about Cheney saying that Kerry's criticism of the blunder means he is against the troops who were doing their job? Especially after Republican Favorite Giuliani made this miserable statement on the October 28, edition of NBC's Today:
GIULIANI: The president was cautious. The president was prudent. The president did what a commander in chief should do. And no matter how much you try to blame it on the president, the actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there. Did they search carefully enough? Didn't they search carefully enough?

That's right folks, no one in charge is ever at fault it's always the fault of those at the bottom, just like Abu Grabi?

Putting who's to blame aside - We now have missing equipment used to make nuclear weapons and the explosive materials capable of detonating them possibly in the hands of terrorists. What is being done about it?


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