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Bush Finally becomes Uniter, not Divider

Unfortunately, his policies are uniting places like Iran and Syria. While Iran is calling on other Arab nations to unite against the US, Israel isn't making matters any better. Israel has warned that it may consider a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear installations along the lines of its 1981 bombing of an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor near Baghdad. This should be very troublesome to Americans, especially considering the Israeli military is composed of American planes that would require them to refuel before they eve reach Iran. How would they do this? By either, making a lay-over in Iraq or refueling in Iraqi air space. Which means, of course, that this action would basically have to occur with an American blessing.

Another misleading statement in this article is that "The Bush Administration has so far applied only diplomatic pressure." The US has apparently been sending unmanned spy planes into Iran for over a year. The Iranian government has formally protested the flights. And now a blast near one of the nuclear facilities has set-off alarms all across the middle east that Iran has been attacked by the US. Although the US and Israel have denied involvement and .Tehran gave conflicting explanations for the blast -- including construction work and friendly fire in a military area.

W is for War


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