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World AIDS Day

Ok, it was actually yesterday but the whole point is to raise awareness, not just to remember the epidemic for one day. While the epidemic continues to grow, some progress has been made in treating it and finding a cure. Sadly, society (or at least some societies) seem to be ebbing into a more conservative and repressive environment and limiting education on AIDS and condom use. Find out more about HIV and AIDS and what you can do to protect yourself and help those affected here.

On a lighter note, Buenos Aires residents awoke on World AIDS day to see one of their landmarks covered with a giant condom. Rather humorous if you ask me. For some reason it reminds me of this little jingle they had in England when I was younger about AIDS:

AIDS kills
So Don't be Silly
Wear a Condom
On your Willy

Leave it to the English to come up with a kids' song about AIDS right? They had one about Bubonic plague too. Somehow I doubt the jingle will find it's way into the South African version of Sesame Street that features an HIV+ Muppett.

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