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Obama comes out swinging again

It's about time the democrats are finally responding to the racist logic Bush is using to sell social security to Blacks. For more on the supposed "logic" see the january blog entry Republicans Stepping up against social security nonsense.

Here's what Obama had to say: : "'It is puzzling to me that we are even having this debate about whether Social Security is good or not for African-Americans,' said Obama, an Illinois Democrat. 'I frankly found the statement that the president made somewhat offensive.'

'There is no doubt a disparity in the lifetime opportunities between white America and black America,' Obama said. 'The notion that we would cynically use those disparities as a rationale for dismantling Social Security as opposed to talking about how are we going to close the health disparities gap that exists, and make sure that African-American life expectancy is as long as the rest of this nation ... is stunning to me.'"


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