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Schiavo Case - Irony Anyone?

With the political circus still in full thrust, I can't help but point out the irony of the whole situation. A woman, who at 25 had an eating disorder that caused a chemical imbalance in her brain that made her heart stop and she slipped into a persistent vegetative state with massive brain damage, died of starvation. Irony. Instead of this being foisted up by the media as some conservative versus liberal turf war, shouldn't she be an example of the disaster effects of eating disorders?

Either way, it seems our whole country has gone wacky and think the rule of law can just be changed at a whim. If so many people know better than years of legal precedent, constitutional law and separation of powers, then perhaps they should become lawyers and change the system themselves. Even some conservative Judges are appalled at the lack of respect the judiciary is receiving. Even the President of the American Bar Association has an opinion on it.

I'm not saying letting someone starve to death isn't cruel, in my opinion, regardless of circumstances, it is. However, I also think capital punishment and slaughtering and eating animals is cruel as well. What would you expect from a treehugger anyway?


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